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Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

3 Stars

Vision in Silver is the 3rd book in The Others series by Anne Bishop. I liked this one but compared to the first two books it was a bit of a letdown. In this book, the story is told from the viewpoints of several characters. While in the first two books we read from mainly Meg’s perspective. I adored her voice. Unfortunately we don’t get nearly as much from Meg in this one. I’ve never been a fan of reading books that are told from a large cast of characters, as this one was. The perspective is so much broader and less focused on personal development. Because of that, I really didn’t connect with some of the characters, particularly Burke and Monty. Additionally, the different storylines need to be equally interesting. Otherwise, I find myself wanting to rush through the less interesting parts and back to the interesting ones, as I did with this novel. Another thing that bothered me is that it got bogged down, at times, with too much information. Honestly, parts of the story were downright boring. There just wasn’t a lot of progress. There was a lot of buildup and then it just tapers off to a conclusion that was rather sedate. It almost felt like running in place. That’s not to say that Vision in Silver didn’t have some good parts, it did. Tensions are rising with the HFL, Humans First and Last, movement, as they step up their plot to turn humans against The Others. Little do they realize how incredibly stupid their aggressive and prejudice actions against The Others is. And those actions aren’t without serious consequence. In Vision in Silver, Simon takes steps to further integrate with humans. I enjoyed getting a deeper insight into his character and his view of things. We see the strong bond between him and Meg. She is his friend, one of the most important people in his life. Because of her, he has completely changed how he views humans. She is the reason for all the changes in the Courtyard. Their dynamic is interesting and entertaining. Actually, the whole Courtyard dynamic is fascinating and I like seeing how the characters cope with the changes taking place and learning more about them. I also enjoyed reading about one of the girls that was rescued in the last book and seeing her progress. In conclusion, Vision in Silver is a good book. I just didn’t find it to be a compelling or fascinating read. I liked it but I was expecting more. I can only hope the next one is better.

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*ARC (Advanced Review Copy) received from the publisher, PENGUIN GROUP/Roc, via NetGalley.

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